

Today on the street Ivano-Frankivsk left the third communal route №55. It will combine the suburban village of Krychivtsi and the Pasichnaya microdistrict with the connection: Krychivetska - Mazepa - Belvederska - Lyubomyr Husar - Halytska - AS-2; return direction: AS-2-Galitskaya-Dnistrovska-Vasilyanko-Vovchinetska-Prikovskzalnaya Square-Lepky-Independence-Sichovyh Stril'tsev-Mazepa-Krychyivets'ka village-Krychivtsi.

The Krychivtsi community has repeatedly turned to this route. There was no quality transport from the village, assures the village chairman Myron Gargat. On the route during the peak hours will run 10 buses, the interval of 8-10 min. By the way, on the 55th, new buses of Turkish production went. The machines of improved comfort are equipped with air-conditioning, video surveillance, USB-charging, comfortable seats and "advanced" electronics, adapted for small-sized groups.

"The development of municipal transport is one of the priorities for the city. Over the last year we have been able to achieve enormous results in this direction, since 42 large buses are now running on the streets of Frankivsk. In parallel, we buy trolleybuses, we will soon begin construction of a trolleybus line at BAM, "said the mayor Ruslan Martsinkov. He emphasized that this combination was the key to the city. Because it is absolutely not covered by public transport. And the main goal is to cover all the key parts of the city with passenger transportation from "Elektroavtotrans".

It should be reminded that in Ivano-Frankivsk there were already two communal routes operating there - No. 27 and 41. And in April, the head of the EAT Vitaliy Golutiak will be recognized, and two more will be launched. Thus, in Ivano-Frankivsk there will be 5 communal routes.

The third went: new municipal buses left for 55 routes



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івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ