

The consequences of bad weather will be eliminated from the reserve fund of the city budget

Today extraordinary meeting of the emergency commission headed by the first deputy mayor of the city Nikolay Vitenko on liquidation of the consequences of the elements that took place on March 9-11 was held. According to the results of the meeting, it was decided to allocate funds from the reserve fund of the city budget for the implementation of emergency measures for the elimination of emergency situations.

Among the main losses that caused the bad weather - damage to the tent roof.

Thus, the department of housing and communal services for temporarily preservation of the roof on Vichevaya Square, 3 allocated 200 thousand UAH. and for the roof of the UPU number 13 - 112 thousand UAH.

The Department of Education and Science of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council for the repair of the roof of Krivyetska Secondary School provided 50 thousand UAH.

KP "Directorate of the customer" for repairing the roofs of the housing stock will receive also 50 thousand UAH.

These funds will be used for the immediate elimination of the consequences of the elements, with which the community alone can not cope.

Another important issue that was considered by the commission was the problem of burning grass. As the head of emergency department Igor Vlyslo informed, the amount of dry grass infestation - not without the help of "not indifferent" - has increased by more than 40%! "The commission has worked out the issue of additional fuel for special transport communal establishment" Ivano-Frankivsk city emergency rescue service "and fire and rescue units that are in the street of Franko and Khmelnytsky in order to allow them to move quickly to the scene", - explained the emergency officer. .

The consequences of bad weather will be eliminated from the reserve fund of the city budget



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