

The bridge is approaching

Construction of the bridge in Pasechna moved to a new stage. Today, the laying of metallic plates has begun to begin. The process is being monitored by the mayor Ruslan Martsinkov, along with UBC manager Roman Galipchak and director of MZ-112 Serhiy Porozhnyuk.

According to the latter, the technology of an orthotropic plate provides a method of impingement. That is, the solid construction of the bridge will come from the support to the support. For this purpose, double-beam beams with a carrying capacity of 400 tons are used. Now they plan to move up to 3 pillars. Pre-arranged embankment at the entrance of the street. Chemists, from which the city began to approach. In order not to go up the structure, the end of the bridge was additionally loaded with 28 tons.

At the moment, a single plate with a weight over 50 tons and a length of 53 meters has been assembled and approached. We need three more plates of 61 meters each, one - 35 meters, and another plate will adjacent to the intersection, it will not come. Roman Galipchak stressed that the entire metal construction is already here, in Ivano-Frankivsk. It was only necessary to collect the rest of the slabs and push them to the supports. In the last 5 years in Ukraine, this is the second bridge that is built on this method. Another - in the Poltava region, which was named by a Turkish company.

The strength of such a construction is times larger than the first bridge across Bystryza Solotvynsky. No problem with seams here. They are treated with anti-corrosion agents, and when the entire structure is ready, the bridge is painted in gray. Now the site employs about 40 people each day. Scientific and technical support is provided by the Institute of Electric Welding. Paton, whose experts check the strength of the joints of the structure.

"You can already see the scale of the bridge. Gradually the design, the noticeable sidewalks and the road are drawing up. The construction process is impressive, because technology is unbelievable ", - said Ruslan Martsinkov. He emphasized that the construction of the bridge itself is the first stage of the project. The deck on Nadrnicna - the next step, and will complete the construction of the road on the street. Chemists

By the way, the total length of the bridge is 322 meters. Width of the passage is 9.5 meters, width of 2 sidewalk zones is 2.5 meters. There will be pedestrian and cycle tracks. There are two security bands. That is, if an extraordinary situation arises (traffic accidents, traffic of special transport), then the cars simply get to the side for a detour. On the bridge will also provide high-quality drainage.

The bridge is approaching


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