

The repair of the yard on Nezalezhnosti st., 152-152a was restored

Again, work was stepped up in the courtyard on the street. Independence, 152-152a. Here, according to the appeal of the deputy of the regional council of Igor Shevchuk, the capital repair of the adjoining territory is underway.

Last year, there was already a partial replacement of engineering networks. In particular, a new sewage system and rainwater wells are laid. At the moment, the work on laying the water supply is completed. And very soon the contractors will start work on the very best.

As Igor Shevchuk explains, the community appealed to him with a request to repair the yard. The initiative of the residents was willing and co-sponsored to discuss the reconstruction project. Hence, there are cobbled pedestrian paths, interurban travel arrangements, and parking for cars.

Do not forget about children and youth. Playgrounds and street simulators will complement the yard infrastructure. A volleyball court is also on site. And planted trees and flower beds will add comfort and charm.

City Mayor Ruslan Martsinkov admits that the need for repairs at this address was a long time. And therefore he is happy that this huge courtyard will significantly change his face. "I think that residents will like their new yard. After all, there will be zones for recreational activities - volleyball court and simulators, and street furniture for rest - benches. The area of ​​the yard is very large, there are still many works. But we plan to finish this year ", - Martsinkov explained.




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