

ECOGALA is inviting!

ECOGALA is inviting!

 7th -8th  of December 2018 in Zheshuv, Republic of Poland International trade show of high quality organic production «EKOGALA - 2018» was held.  Manufacturers of eco certificated production from different countries, in particular from Romania, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and others were participants of this event.  In attendance to department of economic and integrative development of executive committee of city administration and Zheshuv Ukrainian delegation consisting of representatives of executive committee of city administration and heads of local food industry enterprises also took part in this trade show.

The main aim of this exhibition is to spread information about healthy food and organic agricultural production and also about eco touristic zones of Pidkarpatskiy province, Poland, Ukraine and Europe in general.

Trade show was held in exhibition conference center of Pidkarpatskiy province «G. Arena» and over 50 representatives from different cities and countries took part in this event,  over 10000 thousand people  visited the show during two days.

  Bread, cheese, bread products and dairy products, honey and honey products were specialty of this year. Our local manufacturer Double Liability Company «Ivano-Frankivsk bakery complex» successfully presented some examples of its production, in particular vanilla sushka, papaver sushka, and sugar biscuit.  Representative of   local Small and Medium business scientific and production company «Elitfito» presented its unique production – various extra virgin plant oils in assortment. Representatives of meadmaker presented different kinds of honey, drinking honey, and other honey products.  Visitors and participants of the show were interested in production of Ivano-Frankivsk manufactures.

A negotiation between representatives of Ukrainian delegation and Polish partners about perspectives of further partnership was taking place during the exhibition.  In term of the trade show different seminars about development and using of honey products in food and medicine, in particular presentations of modern manufacturing equipment and so on.

Participants were able to have a look of latest ways of producing of eco goods for further their using.


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івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ