

Foreign guests of educators

Foreign guests of educators

Delegation of educators from Children`s palace in Baia Mare of Maramures district of Romania was visited Ivano-Frankivsk with working trip from 18th to 20th of December 2018.  The principal of Children`s Palace Ion headed the delegation. This working trip was held according to signed international deal about partnership between  Ivano-Frankivsk Department of education and science, City Centre of Children`s and Youth Creativity and Maramures district  school supervisors and Children`s Palace in Baia Mare.

19th  of  December the delegation of educators form Baia Mare  headed by  the principal of Children`s Palace Ion Yuha visited Ivano-Frankivsk. Guests visited   City Centre of Children`s and Youth Creativity and learnt about organization of educational process in City Centre of science and technical creativity of students. During this visit students of rocket-model club headed by Valerii Lvovych made a launch of rocket models. The head of rocket-model club Oleksandr   Aronets presented his program «ARDUIINO» to the guests due to which children learn how to make robots. Student’s inventions can be successfully used in many spheres of life.  Yaremko Andrii - the head of model-aircraft club invited guests to take part in open aero and rocket-model competition.

Today  also guests are going to visit citywide celebration of Saint Nicolas Day prepared by students of City Centre of Children`s and Youth Creativity which is  taking place in Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University; they are taking excursion in the central part of the city, too.

Head assistant of Department of education and science Marianna Smal pointed importance of setting up a partnership between children and teachers of our countries which in future will contribute European integration of Ukrainians and will encourage better understanding and friendship between our nations.  In term of the visit detailed plan of partnership between educators of Ivano-Frankivsk and Baia Mare for 2019 was signed. Soon Ivano-Frankivsk educators will have the opportunity to visit Romania and get to know New Year`s traditions of Romanian people.


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івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ