

Official visit of delegation of educators from Maramures district of Romania in Ivano-Frankivsk

Official visit of delegation of educators from Maramures district of Romania in Ivano-Frankivsk

 During 22-24th of November the Delegation of educators from Maramures district of Romania headed by Anna Lukretsia Moldovan – General school supervisor of Maramures district School inspectorate was visited Ivano-Frankivsk.  The delegation was invited by Ivano-Frankivsk Department of science and culture.

The visit was held according to international deal about cooperation and partnership between Ivano-Frankivsk Department of science and culture, City Centre of Children`s and Youth Creativity and Maramures district School inspectorate and Children`s Palace in Baia Mare, Romania for 2018-2020.

 During guests` visit of Department of science and culture, it`s head Ihor Maksymchuk thanked Romanian colleagues for their agreement to visit the capital of Prykarpattia and introduced them the organizational system of children`s education in Ivano-Frankivsk, network of preschool and secondary education, vocational education and out-of-school education; he also represented some students and teachers achievements, defined perspective directions of further cooperation between Ivano-Frankivsk educators and their Romanian colleagues. 

Guests also met head assistant of Mayor Oleksandr Levytskyi, city administration deputies Lesia Fedorchuk and Marianna Prodan, workers of different departments of Ivano-Frankivsk city administration, the head of regional Department of education, science and youth policy Victor Kimakovych.

Romanian educators had a look at organizational specialties of educational process in city center of children`s and youth creativity (principal – Iryna Volynska), city center of science and technical youth (principal – Ivan Mnykh), student`s small academy of science (principal – Iryna Zahriichuk), restaurant service and tourism college (principal – Vira Kuznietsova).

Very interesting cultural and entertainment program was offered for guests. It included excursion around the city, visiting regional museum of Local Lorу and sightseeing platform, situated in city Ratusha building, watching concert, prepared by students of City center of children`s and youth creativity, introducing different clubs of out-of-school educational institutions.

In terms of the visit further directions of cooperation for 2019 were defined.  They foresee students and teachers groups exchange, participation in International contests, festivals and, meeting and so on.


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івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

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івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

івано-Франківська міська рада Ivano-Frankivsk Івано-Франківськ

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